Friday, December 28, 2012

A new kind of human being.

I’m fearful. That the huge economic gap between the rich and the poor will continue. Until there’s a revolution. Which brings about  redistribution of the world’s wealth. A new kind of government. A new worldly society. In which the wealth is more equally divided. So that the rich no longer get quite so rich. The  poor become far less poor. Seems to me that’s the decent and moral way to go. But it’s gonna take a long time to overthrow the interests and the power base of the money-grubbing  and political-manipulating elite rich. They ain’t gonna surrender very easily. It may take a blood bath that makes the French Revolution seem like meek child’s play. I’m fearful. Because I dislike the violence and the spilling of blood. I’d like to see change come peacefully.  But this kind of change rarely does. Because it takes the uprooting of deeply entrenched ways of life.  Might even require the changing of the basic human essence.  The creation of a new kind of human being.  Fined-tuned to accept the common good. As  best for everyone. Even the solitary individual. –Jim Broede

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