Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Being naked is being beautiful.

I’m  a good listener. I tell people in crisis to talk. But often, they don’t feel like talking. For whatever reason. When really, they should try to talk. At the very least, talk to themselves. To reach into their inner beings. Their souls. Yes, carry on a dialogue with their souls.  With themselves. Many people don’t know themselves. Or so I suspect. Can’t really know. Because I’m looking in. From outside.  Only they can get inside themselves.  I wonder if people are afraid to see themselves. Afraid of their nakedness.  And maybe that’s why they don’t talk.  I’m not sure if I was ever afraid. Could be that I was just plain stupid. I didn’t have the words. The knowledge.  Or I was just shy. Perhaps nakedness scared me.  I was brought up to be clothed.  To hide my real self.  Maybe even to be ashamed of nakedness.  But one day I ventured into the world. Naked. And hey. I discovered that being naked is being beautiful. –Jim Broede

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