Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm for a turn to the left.

The New York Times. On the Internet. That’s about my only news connection to the U.S. while I’m living in Italy. And really, that’s all I need. A daily glance at the New York Times. I read the editorial page. Mostly, the columnists. I don’t  wanna be inundated about news from America.  Especially politics. Rather forget for a while.  Because it’s mostly bad news. Though by spirits were buoyed just before I left. By Obama winning a second term. Anyway, I’m paying more attention to Italian politics. Seems there’s a decent chance that the  Italian prime minister after elections next spring might be a communist. Wow! I can buy into that. Seems that a center-left coalition could corral a third of the votes. And thereby become the prime moving force in the creation of the next government.  It’d be nice if the whole world took a turn to the left. –Jim Broede

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