Wednesday, January 23, 2013

In Paradise. And grateful for it.

I make it a point to not become spoiled. Would be too easy to do. Because  I’m living in Paradise. Sardinia. An island in the Mediterranean Sea. Part of Italy. Sometimes, Sardinians complain. Because of the weather. Maybe 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the wintertime. You won’t find me complaining. Because winter temperatures also  climb into the 60s. Maybe 70. That’s my definition of Paradise. Guess I’m easy to please. After spending winters in Minnesota. No doubt, some Sardinians are spoiled. Because of a lifetime in Paradise. They’re used to having it relatively good virtually all the time. So maybe if things ain’t perfect, they gripe. That’s called being spoiled. Won’t happen to me. I know better.   Being well aware that I’m in Paradise.    And grateful for it. –Jim Broede

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