Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Time for treatment.

I have an addiction. Going to the grocery store. Every day. Without miss. Here in Italy. I’m in love with Italian food markets. I learn of new things to eat almost every day. Unfortunately, though, Italians don’t have everything.  Namely, cinnamon bread. Which back home in Minnesota I always toast for breakfast. I miss it. Though I routinely replace it with bombi, another name for jelly and custard-filled donuts. Another thing. At the store I most frequent, powdered sugar comes in a bag so big that it looks like a lifetime supply. I also would risk a hernia carrying it out. Anyway, I don’t really mean to complain. There’s far more to like than dislike about Italian grocery stores. Little wonder that I made my daily visit today. Spent 7 euros. Not bad. Got lots of stuff for that. Wait till my Italian true love sees it all. She’ll be impressed. Though she thinks it’s time for me to go in for treatment. –Jim Broede

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