Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A remarkable Italian.

Beppe Grillo was in town (Carbonia in Sardinia) yesterday. And I went to see him. At a political rally. In the open air amphitheater. Several thousand Italians showed up. And at least one American. Grillo is a character, indeed. A comedian. Actor. Blogger. Political activist. Uses biting political satire that amuses the audience. Grillo has a bombastic delivery on stage. He’s wearing a hard hat. Which endears him to laborers. He gestures with arms and hands. Shouts. And knows how to work theater in the round. Turns periodically. To make sure he’s addressing everyone. Draws appreciative applause. And laughter. A marvel that his voice holds up. Because he does politically rallies daily. With parliamentary elections less than three weeks away. I would love to meet Grillo. And shake his hand. And chat. I’m assuming he speaks English. He’s toured the U.S. Has anecdotes and witticisms about the culture and lifestyle of Americans. Funny, funny stuff. I read his blog. Which appears in three languages –Italian, English and Japanese. Google his name. It’ll get you to his blog. Updated daily. Thing I like most about Grillo. He seems to get carried away. Boundless energy. Exciting. I’d tell him, ‘Calm down. For the sake of your blood pressure.’ But then, it may be very much an act.   He knows how to act a role. He’s appeared prominently in three films. I’d like to ask him, ‘How much of your onstage performance is a conscious act? Are you really getting that carried away? And that voice of yours, how does it hold up day after day?’ Believe me, Grillo is a remarkable Italian. Worth getting to know. –Jim Broede

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