Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In Italy, it's business as usual.

Italy has the capability of reforming its government. Radically. But won’t. Because politicians are politicians. And therefore they steadfastly refuse to do the right things. Makes no difference which nationality. American or Italian or Timbuktuian. They’re all the same. Putting their personal egos far ahead of the common good.   Comedian Beppe Grillo’s party finished first in the Italian parliamentary elections, and Pier Luigi Bursani’s left of center party came in second.  Neither with a majority. So it’s necessary for at least two parties to cooperate and form a coalition in order to govern.  And Grillo and Bursani could do it. For the good of the country. But they won’t. Because they are politicians. Probably more tuned in to their personal desires than to dear old Italy. That’s the way I see it. Of course, I could be wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time. But that doesn’t stop me from being an imaginative dreamer. Seeing these two guys set aside their differences. For the sake of true reform. Doing what’s best for their country. Forming a leftist government. That gets things done for a change. Giving Italy a government that works. That plays by decent and humane rules. Reduces inbred corruption. Puts the common good first and foremost. Imagine that. Yes, it’s a radical concept. It’d set a fine example for the rest of the world. But like I say, politicians will continue to act like politicians. They’ll do business as usual. In some pretty gawd awful ways. –Jim Broede  

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