Sunday, February 3, 2013

I've decided to ignore time.

Arrived in Sardinia in early November. And now it’s early February. But mostly, I’m oblivious of time. Or try to be. Doesn’t matter what day or month it is. Maybe not even what year. I wonder who invented the counting of years? The notion of time. Is it necessary to live by a clock? Did the primitives live rigidly by a schedule? By time? I’m told that maybe the creator lives outside of time. If he can do it, I want the same opportunity. It must be a thrilling experience. A totally different perception of reality.  An experience of being in the forever. The eternal. One wouldn’t have to wait for the next  moment to arrive. Always living in the moment. Think that’s what I’m doing now. Living outside of time. Always have. And didn’t know it. Until now.  All I have to do is ignore time.—Jim Broede

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