Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Maybe I'm in the ideal world.

In an ideal world, everybody would live long enough to retire. And then have the opportunity to  live for a few years. Healthy. And with enough income to live decently. Of course, that won’t happen. Not on Mother Earth. But maybe it does elsewhere in the cosmos. Especially if there are billions of inhabitable planets. A distinct possibility. Because of the vastness and maybe infinite size of creation. Makes everything a possibility. Anyway, I’m figuring the creator gave us limitless chances to get everything right. Which means some day we will. If not on Planet Earth, then elsewhere. I speak of retirement. Because it has given me the opportunity to pretty much do what I wanna do. My way. As a writer. Because I have good health. And enough resources to live on. And I don’t have to report for work.  I write for pleasure. For fulfillment. Without having to get paid. Without having to please anyone but myself. It’s a nice position to be in. Gives me a feeling of independence. Also known as freedom. And the other thing. I’m in love, too. Call it a bonus. Freedom and love. Life can’t get much better than that. Maybe I’m in the ideal world, after all. –Jim Broede

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