Saturday, February 2, 2013

On market day, I improvise.

Every Saturday. I go to the big central market in Carbonia. Indoors. In an arena-like building. Food booths. All over the place. From one end to the other. Generally, I buy bread. And pastries. Sometimes, we buy fresh produce. It’s mostly a farmers’ market. Food, food, all kinds of food. Raw food. Prepared food. Last week, I bought lasagna. Servings for two. My Italian true love likes to frequent one particular stand. For a special loaf of bread. I always encourage her to buy more. Of everything. Especially goodies I’ve never tasted before. If she balks, I become bold. I point to things. For which I don’t know the Italian name. And spout the number I want. Or hold up my fingers. One through 10. If I wore sandals, maybe I could use my toes, too. And go up to 20. Yes, on market day, I know how to improvise. And get everything I want. Despite the language barrier. –Jim Broede

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