Saturday, February 23, 2013

Should I be more bothered?

I have a confession to make. I waste  electricity. And water. Time, too. I’m wasteful. And maybe I shouldn’t be. But I am. So I confess. I even waste food. Buy too much. Let it spoil. Or I don’t finish everything on my plate. And it goes into the garbage. At a time when other people in the world are starving. I wonder why I do all this. Bad stuff. Suppose it’s because I’m preoccupied with other things. Therefore, I neglect things I should be doing. Don’t think about it that much. And don’t let it bother me. When maybe it should.  But that’s me. Preferring not to be bothered. Because if I got bothered, I’d be bogged down. In endless bother. Some people around me are bothered by the fact that I’m not bothered enough. But I don’t even let that bother me. Makes me wonder, should I be more bothered? –Jim Broede

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