Thursday, February 7, 2013

Without being an astronomer.

Don’t watch the stars very much anymore. Maybe because I’m nearsighted. And the stars don’t come into sharp focus. Even with glasses. And maybe because I’m not out in the middle of dark country. The lights of a city, or even a small town, make for less than ideal conditions for star-watching. As a kid, I watched the stars. Almost endlessly some nights. Even dreamed about becoming an astronomer. Until learning that to achieve such a goal, maybe I’d have to become proficient in math.  That was too much of a challenge. Far easier to learn to write. And to think about what’s in the distant cosmos. Fantastic stuff. Maybe as many as a billion galaxies. Each with billions of planets. So many possibilities for life. Captures my imagination. Gives me so much to write about. Without being an astronomer. –Jim Broede

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