Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My perfect world.

I’d put limits on making money. Especially on obscene profits. But there’s good news for greedy capitalists. I’m powerless. Too bad I’m not the king. Ruling by divine right. I’d make it a crime. To reap too much money. I’d spread the wealth. To make for fewer rich people. And to make life easier for the less affluent. Ought to be illegal to make excessive profits on essential services. Such as health care. Of course, capitalists tell me that’s impractical. That profiteering is essential. The motivating force. The catalyst for all progress. What about true love?  And the capitalists tell me, that’s right. They love. Money. Money. And more money. Unconditionally. Passionately. Devoutly. Not what I have in mind. In my perfect world. Which exists only in my imagination. –Jim Broede

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