Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sticking by hateful principles.

When dealing with Republicans, Barack Obama can’t win. That is, if he tries to play fair and square. Because Republicans will try to stymie him. To not cooperate under any circumstances. Even if Obama gives ‘em what they want. Because if Republicans are seen making amends with Obama, it’ll alienate their conservative base. Republicans see Obama as the enemy. Because he’s Obama. A Democrat. A black man. And a nice guy. Everything that Republicans hate.  Republicans are drawn to fellow lunatic fringe Republicans, to white men and to despicable guys. That’s the way it is. On issues, polls show that big majorities of the public are generally with Obama on political, social and economic issues. But even that doesn’t sway a Republican. Republicans are even willing to commit political suicide rather than support Obama. It’s a matter of sticking by one’s hateful principles. –Jim Broede

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