Saturday, April 6, 2013

Such a weird world.

This matter of security. It’s taken far too seriously. Especially in America. Because we Americans tend to overreact. Used to be that I could go almost any place without being searched. Now my whole body is scanned. I keep my clothes on.  But they might as well strip me.  Even when I entered my local courthouse yesterday. To take care of a routine matter. I had to traipse through a metal detector.  Just like at an airport. Had to empty my pockets, take off my shoes and belt. My pants almost fell down. Later I went to a book store. Where a big sign was posted. “No guns allowed on premises.’ If I had a gun, I’d have to leave it in the car. Or maybe hide it in a bush.  Or simply stop buying books. I’ve even seen the sign posted at the entrance of churches. Of course, if I wanted to carry a concealed weapon, I could get a permit. Legally.  So easy. Even for a crackpot like me. Fifty years ago, I could never have dreamed of living in such a weird world. –Jim Broede

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