Wednesday, May 1, 2013

When they see black, they see red.

Not sure if Barack Obama’s blackness works mostly for him or against him. Especially in his role as a politician.  Seems to me that through the generations in America, black people were ‘trained’ to be subservient. As slaves. As second class citizens. To call slave owners ‘massa.’  Even today, in so-called modern times, many, many Republicans look at black people as inferior.  They can’t accept Obama as a legitimate president. As an occupier of the ‘white’ house. He’s supposed to enter by the back door. And at the most, be a cook or a butler. Little wonder that Republicans refuse to cooperate with Obama. Every time they see black, they see red. They become furious. That’s the nature of bigots. Republicans are natural born racists. It’s in their blood. In their guts. In their souls. No doubt about it. I know lunatic fringe Republicans. Those of the Tea Party ilk. They are a hateful lot. They wish for the good old days.  When black people knew their subservient place. –Jim Broede

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