Friday, June 14, 2013

Hey, folks, that's a joke.

I’d like to cultivate friendships with conservative Christians. Because they would add balance to my life. I’d add balance to theirs, too. Because I’m a very liberal free-thinker. But that doesn’t stop me from liking conservative Christians. I find them stimulating. And very funny.  They don’t always know it. But many of ‘em are natural born stand-up comics.  I try to get them to not take themselves too seriously. To spend more time laughing. And mixing with guys like me. I don’t take myself too seriously. That’s an attribute. I can help conservative Christians in that regard. We could discuss ways in which Jesus and their god displayed senses of humor.  Unfortunately, too many conservative Christians are easily offended. Because they don’t know how to laugh. They’ll pretend laughter. By grimacing. But that doesn’t fool me. I know a grimace when I see a grimace. By the way. I’d also like to tackle the ultimate challenge. Becoming friends with a lunatic fringe Republican. The ones that also pretend to be Christians. My thesis is that they can’t be both. They have to make a choice. One or the other.  At least a Christian has a sense of decency/morality.  A lunatic Republican doesn’t. Hey, folks, that’s a joke. –Jim Broede

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