Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My patriotic an American.

Normally, I’m a peace-loving guy. Opposed to war. Of almost any kind. But there’s one war I’m willing to fight. Against despicable guys. Right here in the USA. Of course, I’m referring to Republicans. The ultra conservative ones. They are racists. Opposed to Barack Obama. Because he’s black. They can’t stand Obama any more than the Nazis could have tolerated a Jew for German chancellor. Republicans don’t hide their contempt for Obama.  They want to destroy his presidency. Despite the fact that he’s been duly elected twice. They oppose Obama every step of the way. On everything. If Obama is for something, they are against it. Even policy and programs once supported by Republicans. No objectivity. They are simply opposed to Obama. And really, it’s because they detest a black man occupying the White House. Like the name implies, they argue, the White House was built for white people. And certainly not for minorities.  Especially blacks. And especially Obama.  The hatred is so deep that many Republicans have convinced themselves beyond a doubt that Obama was foreign born. That he’s not a legitimate American. That he’s more African than American. That’s nonsense. Sounds un-American to me. So much so that if Republicans have their way, it’ll be a sad, sad day. For my revered native land. Almost as bad as if Hitler had won World War II. That’s why I’m ready to enlist. In any war waged against Republicans. It’s my patriotic duty…as an American. –Jim Broede

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