Sunday, July 7, 2013

A pure act of will power.

Maybe one has to want to be a spirit in order to become a spirit. It takes will power. An overwhelming desire. That’s the essence of true freedom. Becoming what one wants to be. One can achieve virtually any goal. Walking on water, for instance. By truly and fully believing that one can do it. Beyond an iota of doubt. Same goes for achieving the spiritual form. Believe. Believe. Believe.  Once upon a time, it seemed virtually impossible to land on the moon. Some people still believe that it all was a hoax. That it never happened.   But hey, we’ve even gone beyond the moon. To Mars and other planets. A spacecraft has even sailed beyond our solar system.  Fantastic stuff. But not as fantastic as becoming spirit. That could be the ultimate achievement. A pure act of will power. –Jim Broede

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