Tuesday, July 9, 2013

He's a keeper.

As a diehard Chicago Cubs fan, I want baseball players that come with exceptional talent and good attitudes. That’s the winning combination. Less talented players may be all right. But above all else, they need positive attitudes. And baseball smarts. Able to make the most of their limited skills. Unfortunately, the current Cubs management seems willing to trade away a player with exceptional talent and a good attitude. Yes, pitcher Matt Garza. Apparently, the feeling is that Garza will fetch several young prospects that may help the Cubs win in the distant future. It’s a gamble. And it may return dividends some day. But I’d keep what I’ve got. A known commodity. One of the best pitchers in baseball. And I’d make trades with some of the lesser lights on the Cubs team. To bolster the team’s weaknesses. Mainly defense and relief pitching. I’d find ways to win now, and in the future, too. I want the best of everything. Starting with Garza. Keep him. Keep him. Keep Garza. I can’t say it often enough. –Jim Broede

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