Wednesday, July 10, 2013

No beginning. No end, too.

Nobody can be certain of an afterlife. But hey, the idea of an afterlife. It’s wonderful. I want to live forever. Because I’m in love with life. With consciousness. With existence. Sure, life can be sad and painful. At times, that is. But not always. I’m willing to pay the price. For the sake of eternal life. Preferably as a body-less spirit. Thing is, I’m a romantic idealist. Which makes it natural for me to assume that I can handle being an eternal lover. Totally in love. With life. I can’t accept a creator that would give me life, and then deny me the pleasure after a mere short-lived lifetime. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. Though I wouldn’t know it if I no longer existed. Therefore, maybe the creator is merciful. Of course, it could be there is no creator. Life always existed. And it always will. No beginning. No end. I can accept that notion. Life just is. And there’s no creator. Humans created religions. To fortify the concept of creator. But if life always existed, no need for a creator. Maybe there’s no beginning. No end, too. –Jim Broede

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