Tuesday, July 9, 2013

True love ain't on their minds.

No doubt, it’s immensely difficult loving one’s enemies. But if you are an American politician, one doesn’t even love colleagues sitting across the aisle.  Try to imagine a conservative Republican embracing a liberal Democrat. Or the other way around. In far too many instances, they passionately hate each other. They wish each other ill. But many of these same politicians attend church services. Even claim to be Christians. In reality, that’s bull shit. They ain’t any more Christian in practice than the man in the moon. Maybe that’s the problem. They are out of touch with the concept of love.  Religious love. Spiritual love. Romantic love.  Any kind of love. They are more in tune with the concept of hate. The idea that they could love their enemy is preposterous. They can’t even love their would-be friends. Probably not even their spouses. Many of ‘em are cheaters and liars. They have been drawn to politics for the wrong reasons, Mostly, to satisfy their bulging egos.  True love is the furthest thing from their minds. –Jim Broede

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