Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The religious roots of evil.

Religion. War. Witchcraft. Three popular and destructive pursuits of humankind. Heard this topic debated. On the radio today. While I was driving. Didn’t pay all that much attention. Initially. But I’m thinking about it. Now. And surmising, how true. Especially when it comes to unhappy people. They often pursue religion, war and witchcraft. Happy people tend to seek other forms of satisfaction. Because religion, war and witchcraft tend to make ‘em unhappy. Downright despondent. I avoid religion. The organized kind. I have nothing against a spiritual life. But religion – well, that’s another thing. It’s abhorrent. Often leads to discrimination and recrimination and senseless bloodshed. All in the name of an almighty and often vindictive god.  And think of all the religious wars over the span of history. And people accused of witchcraft. By religious fanatics. Makes me wonder if evil is triggered/perpetrated by religions. –Jim Broede

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