Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Living black in gawd-forsaken USA.

White Americans aren’t facing up to the truth. The fact that America is a racist country. Racism is deeply engrained in the nation’s white psyche. Unfortunately, many, many whites are in denial. They think great strides have been made since the days of slavery and the Civil war.  And therefore, racism no longer exists. But that’s poppycock. It’s pretense. Take the white jury that acquitted George Zimmerman of second degree murder and manslaughter in the death of Trayvon Martin. Really, Zimmerman should have been on trial for racism. For being a bigot. Secretly. If not openly.   Of course, that’s a hard case to prove. Delving into one’s soul/spirit/psyche ain’t easy. One’s true nature can be effectively hidden.  Racism comes in many forms. Some subtle. Some overt.  The judge in the trial ruled out references to racial motives in the killing. Instead, the case was decided on the technicalities of law. In fact, laws designed to make it relatively easy to kill someone, and then claim self-defense. That puts blacks at a distinct disadvantage in a racist society. Makes it much easier for a self-appointed neighborhood watch wanna-be cop to track down a 17-year-old black youth and shoot him dead.  And get away with it. Indeed, that’s a disgrace. But it’s all part of living black in gawd-forsaken America. –Jim Broede

1 comment:

Rosie said...


my thoughts on the Zimmerman..if he had wanted to shoot Martin he could have done it the beginning of their disagreement..

Martin had drugs in his system a major factor in his behavior..

on his cell phone he chose to text about how he liked to fight.

Martin could have chosen peace and as an adolescent..could have chosen to be respectful to an adult that was questioning him.

choices were made by both Zimmerman and Martin..

I feel the jury chosen made the decision that set Zimmerman free..

and we all need to accept that he was given freedom.

I do not understand why some feel the need to second guess the jury they did their best at that moment in time.

Zimmerman deserves the same respect we have given others when found not guilty.

Love Rosie