Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Without ever having truly lived.

In order to have a soul/spirit, one must be aware of it. And I am aware. I feel the existence of soul/spirit. It’s alive. Thriving inside me. In the depths of my being. I’m not sure it was always there. Maybe when I was born, it was in an embryo stage. Not yet developed to the point of recognition. The soul/spirit came on slowly. And one day, I don’t know exactly when, there it was. Existing. Beyond a doubt.  Makes me wonder if some of us lack a soul/spirit. Or that it may have always been there. But it takes time to be nurtured. To be discovered. Initially, I wasn’t consciously aware that I existed. Could be that I was born as a robot. An automaton. Could have died at age 2, and never known that I existed. And it’s possible that I was still soul-less/spiritless through much of my youth. Although I was conscious and aware of my physical existence.  Makes me wonder when life really begins. Certainly, not at conception. But rather much later on. Could be that some people could be around for a lifetime. Without a soul/spirit. Without ever having truly lived. –Jim Broede

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