Saturday, August 10, 2013

Give it time.

Look at it this way. There’s something nice about bad happenings. That is, if one follows things out to the ultimate conclusion. Everybody faces some forms of adversity during their lives. One can’t get through life any other way. Therefore, it’s a matter of learning how to cope. With it all.  Take my Jeanne’s 13-year siege with Alzheimer’s, for instance. We didn’t always cope in the best way. But we learned. From our mistakes. We got better at it. Not perfect by any means. But I learned something about the art/craft of care-giving. Learned a whole lot about the concept and practice of love, too.  So it wasn’t a total loss. In fact, I’m probably better off today for it. So is Jeanne. I’m assuming she’s living in the spirit realm. Happy. And focused on love.  I know one thing for sure. I’m happy. Very much alive and conscious. Aware that life is good. Even if there’s a little self-deception involved. I’ve learned to savor life. On a day  to day basis. Living in the now. Making the most of it. I’m in the mood to live forever. I don’t want out. Instead, I want in. Every day, I tell myself, how sweet it is. That’s my message to today’s beleaguered care-givers. Life often gets better. But you have to give it time. –Jim Broede

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