Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Insanity and stupidity abounds.

Ted Cruz. The guy is insane. A loony. That’s my judgment. As an amateur psychiatrist/psychologist.  Not only that. Ted also is stupid. But all sorts of people say he’s smart. Intelligent. After all, they say, he has degrees from Princeton and Harvard. But hey. Let’s face reality. Occasionally an Ivy League graduate goes bonkers. Insane. Loses his mind, his  intellectual way. But because he’s a U. S. senator from Texas, there’s an assumption that he must be sane and intelligent. The same goes for Paul Ryan, a congressman from Wisconsin. He’s the chairman of the House finance committee. Deemed by some Republican cohorts as superior intellect. Especially on matters of finance. But really, he’s insane, too. And stupid. Like Cruz, overcome by his conservative ideology. Both living inside their own worlds.  Their own realities. And we let ‘em be. Because we all have the right to be insane. To be stupid. That’s the nature of the world. Insanity and stupidity abounds. –Jim Broede

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