Sunday, February 2, 2014

About the decline of America.

I used to be a football fan. In my younger days. Maybe because I liked acting like an American. Embracing the rugged, masculine  brutality of the sport. Of course, I never had a desire to play football. I merely watched it. For the entertainment. But now I think of myself as a wiser man. I can live without football. Just as I can live without boxing. Another stupid and brutal sport. Anyway, I’m not even going to watch the Super Bowl. I have better things to do. Such as listening to Bach. Or reading a novel. Or going for a nice long walk. But hey, I haven’t given up on baseball. I’ll be a Cubs fan. Forever. Seems to be that baseball is a far more gentle and cognitive pursuit than American football. Though I’m told that football has become America’s national pastime. Supplanting baseball. As No. 1.  That says something. About the decline of America. –Jim Broede 

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