Sunday, February 9, 2014

The loss of freedom. So be it.

I’m for locking up people. Not in jails. But in mental health hospitals. Where they get treatment. For mental health disorders. In America, we’ve moved away from mental health institutions. Preferring that the mentally disturbed be free to come and go. On their own. When really, many of ‘em pose dangers. If not to others, then to themselves. They need treatment. Even if it’s against their will. For many years, my sister abused herself. With alcohol.  She should have been put away. Long ago.  Into a mental health facility. Until she stopped the abuse.  She should have been robbed of her freedom to get drunk. Day after day after day.  Some eight years ago, she saw the light. Became a recovering alcoholic. But the mental health system should have seen to it long before that. My sister should have been forcibly committed.  To mental health therapy. Maybe that’s taking away some of her basic freedom. But so be it.  –Jim Broede

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