Thursday, March 20, 2014

A search for truth.

Maybe I was out-of-body tonight. Because I was seeing my life in minute detail. As an observer. I had the opportunity to look at it all. Everything. All the happenings. Even the tiniest lies. The falsehoods. The motivations. There to be evaluated. I was compelled to see everything. In the true manner. All the mistakes. And there were plenty of ‘em. Oh, maybe not mistakes per se. Because I wasn’t being judged by anyone. Except myself. I wasn’t being castigated. By the creator. Instead, I was supposed to be learning. Being enlightened.  On how I could have handled things better. And been more honest. Primarily, with myself. Not sure if it was an out-of-body experience. Or merely an extraordinary dream. Really doesn’t matter. Maybe it’s all one and the same. A search for truth. For true meaning.  –Jim Broede

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