Monday, April 21, 2014

An imaginative particle of dust.

Today. Now. I’m imagining being a microscopic particle of dust. Lost in a cosmos. Vast and sprawling. Almost beyond description. Composed of billions and billions of galaxies. Of which. I reside in one. The Milky Way. My galaxy. So big that it would take 50,000 years. Traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). To cross. Makes me feel lost. And insignificant. Though I can dream. Of some day becoming a grain of sand. Relatively immense.  Compared to a mere speck of dust. But still. I’m aware. Alive and conscious. And able to fall in love. With this thing called life. How can that be?  I yearn. To explore. All of creation. I want more than a few seconds. Give me forever. Eternity. Please. Even if it be. Only as an imaginative particle of dust. –Jim Broede

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