Sunday, April 13, 2014

Faster than the speed of light.

I believe in an afterlife. Because it’s imaginable. Anything that can be imagined is possible. That’s my theory. I can even imagine walking on water. We humans have been blessed with imagination. That knows no limits. For a purpose. So that we know what can be achieved. Even the seemingly impossible. My beloved cats Loverboy and Chenuska can’t do that. Or so I assume. Because they lack imagination. Imagine landing men on the moon. Fantastic stuff. Once upon a time, that was merely imagination. But now it’s become real. More than a dream. More than a figment of imagination. Real. Real. Real. Some day being able to travel faster than the speed of light. It will happen. Because the human mind can imagine it. As for afterlife, I can imagine conscious existence after death. As a spirit. As a non-physical being. Maybe that’s how I end up zipping 1,000 times faster than the speed of light. –Jim Broede

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