Sunday, April 13, 2014

The benefits of foreign education.

Every two months, I open my New York Times, and find a special 8-page section. Called ‘Russia Beyond the Headlines.’ It’s a paid advertising supplement. Written by Russians. In the English language, of course. I always read it. From beginning to end. Partly out of curiosity. But also because it gives me a Russian perspective. Yes, about Russia beyond the headlines. I’m willing to listen to virtually anyone. Even to lunatic fringe Republicans. In an effort to learn about what makes ‘em tick. You know what? I find that these Russians make far more sense than lunatic Republicans. Another thing. When I’m living with my Italian true love, in Sardinia, I discover that oftentimes Italians have a better grasp. On truly meaningful living. Than do many of my American compatriots. Same goes for the Germans, the French, the Brits.  I’m fascinated.  By so-called foreigners. They broaden my horizons. They make me a better and wiser and more fair-minded and decent human being. –Jim Broede

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