Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A perfectly created world.

Some religious people make a big mistake. In assuming that one must believe in the creator/god. Or in god’s alleged son. In order to be ‘saved.’ The blessing. To love and to be loved. It’s extended to everyone. Atheists. Agnostics. Believers. Doesn’t matter.  Everyone is free to choose his/her own route.  From an infinitesimal number of paths. To so-called salvation. To an afterlife. In paradise. There is no hell. Because eventually, pure love permeates everything. That’s the nature of life. Of existence. Everyone. Allowed to evolve. In his/her own way. That’s the way a loving creator would want it. By design.  We are given forever. To get it right. Maybe through reincarnation. Which means, we live in a perfectly created world. In the end, everyone is saved. Yes, the creator got it right. Everything ultimately leads to the same destination. The realm of pure love. –Jim Broede

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