Wednesday, September 17, 2014

While living the good life.

Really. We Americans are getting into a war. With the so-called Islamic State. Primarily because two American journalists were beheaded.  Had that not happened, there would not be public support for what the Obama administration is calling a war. It’s an emotional thing. And when emotions rule, it usually results in overreaction. One doesn’t stop to think about the long-term dire consequences. That’s how America got caught up in the Iraq War in the first place. And how America got mired in a war on terror. Costly on both sides. Over 600,000 deaths in Iraq. Including American soldiers. But mostly civilians. Measure that against two decapitated journalists. Is that a price worth paying? Certainly not another unnecessary and costly and ill-conceived war. Chances are the world would be a better place today. If Saddam Hussein had been left to rule…with an iron fist. Instead, we have religious fanatics and barbaric thugs running rampant. Killing each other. And America contributes to the endless slaughter. With bombs and more bombs. Yes, killing some bad guys. But how many innocents? It’s a dirty rotten shame.  Meanwhile, I’m trying to hide my head in the sand. Pretending. Pretending. Pretending that the world isn’t such a bad place. While living the good life. –Jim Broede

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