Sunday, October 26, 2014

Love isn't always enough.

Care-givers don’t like to hear it. That they’ve become bad care-givers. For the simple reason that they care too much. Think about it. They work themselves into a frenzy. To the point of exhaustion. Even to death. Indeed, that’s a pity. A shame. They fail to recognize the consequence of not taking care of one’s self. Maybe that’s required first and foremost. In order to be a solid and effective care-giver.  Love isn’t always enough. For years, I was a 24/7 care-giver. For my dear sweet Jeanne. I should have known better. Eventually, I did. Placing Jeanne in a nursing home. For the last 38 months of her life. That allowed me to not only take good care of Jeanne. But also to take good care of myself. I had reduced my daily care-giving role to 8 to 10 hours. Providing valuable and, yes, stellar supplemental care to Jeanne. Because I was finally able to get daily respite breaks. In my cocoon. At home. When I showed up at the nursing home at 10 in the morning (without ever missing a day) I was rejuvenated. Refreshed. Able to exude good vibes in Jeanne’s presence. Because I had finally learned to take care of myself.  A vital part of being a good and loving care-giver. –Jim Broede

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