Thursday, November 20, 2014

Why Obama's a decent human being.

Yes, it’s incredible. Republicans being miffed. At Obama. For issuing an executive order. To refrain from deporting several million ‘illegal’ immigrants. The GOP’s anger, really, stems from Obama being too nice. Too charitable. To immigrants that technically broke immigration laws. By sneaking in. Doesn’t matter that they’re law-abiding,  and found work and peace and happiness in America. The so-called land of opportunity. Though not quite yet the land of compassion. Or the land of  forgiveness. Evidenced. By Republicans daily demonstrating America’s negative side.  By continuing to try to make Obama’s political life a living hell. Simply because he’s black, and not white. And he’s suspected (by a large percentage of Republicans) of being a Muslim. Born in Kenya, too.  Sad, isn’t it. They can’t accept the reality. That Obama is a legitimate president. Duly elected twice. And that he’s really a very decent human being. In part, because he ain't a Republican. And because he welcomes immigrants. –Jim Broede

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