Thursday, January 22, 2015

A happy and contented lover.

I live with my Italian amore mio. Off and on. In Italy. In Minnesota. We live separately, too. We find such a living arrangement  ideal. The way our transnational/international love relationship works best. For both of us. We'd have it no other way. Yes, it's possible to get too much of each other. If we were together 365 days a year. Better to have balance. Breaks for solitude. Though we remain connected. Almost daily. On Skype. On the telephone. Or by email. When we are separated, I write love letters. That's my specialty. Beautiful and intimate love letters. Friends encourage us to become a married couple. And to live together. Virtually all the time. That's the way it was with my first true love. Married. For 38 years. Until she died. In those almost four decades, we were separated for maybe 10 days. Believe me. That's an endearing relationship. Full and total immersion. Indeed, a mostly pleasant and idyllic experience. But it's all right to take a different approach. On my second time around.  Both kinds of love relationships are gratifying and fulfilling. Don't know if there's a right way and a wrong way to be a true lover.  One thing's for certain. I've been a happy and contented lover.  For a long, long time. Seems like forever. --Jim Broede

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