Sunday, February 22, 2015

My specialty: Happy thoughts.

I allow myself to think. Virtually any thought. Good or bad. But mostly fascinating. Routinely dismissing bad thoughts.  Embracing the good ones. And often cherishing the fascinating stuff. I'm able to be selective. If a thought bothers me. Such as a fearful thought. I try to convince myself. That there's nothing to fear.  Usually, I'm able to do that. Thing is. I have a vivid imagination. Maybe that's why fear occasionally enters my thought process. But I also can use my imagination to put a rein on fear. Creating schemes that overcome fear. Simply because it's not good to be fearful. Often, I'm able to ignore my fears. That's a solution. Maybe not the best. But it's adequate. Gets me by. Meanwhile, I tend to be happy and upbeat and positive. Comes as no surprise. To me. Because I specialize. In happy thoughts. --Jim Broede

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