Sunday, February 22, 2015

Reason to marvel.

I have more physical aches and pains. Than I used to. And if I strain a muscle. Takes longer to heal. I'm chalking it up to age. People are starting to call me 'old man.' I take it in a humorous vein. But seriously, I'm getting older. Every day. And it has me a bit concerned. Don't like the idea of a deteriorating body. Especially if the mind starts to go, too. Anyway, I'm going on the premise. Use it, or lose it. Therefore, I make a concerted effort. Daily. To exercise. Both my mind and body. Even if that causes me pain. Another credo. No pain, no gain. Used to be that I had to really exert myself. To cause pain. Now all I have to do is think about growing old. Causes me mental anguish. But hey, it's reason to marvel. That I've come this far in life. --Jim Broede

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