Sunday, March 22, 2015

All is well. In my nifty little cocoon.

Yes, I acknowledge. That the world abounds. With some very unhappy and disgruntled folks. Revolutionaries. That want to bring about change.  Any which way. Including violence. Many of them are religious fanatics. Doing the killing in the name of their god. They appear to be crazy. But still, they attract followers.  It's as if their craziness is contagious. Of course, I am crazy, too. But in different ways. I try to do no harm. And try not to foist my ways on others. Better to retreat. Into isolation. Rather than change the world. Though if I were king, the violent crazies would be ordered into treatment. Just as well, I'm not king. Or dictator. My regime would be toppled. By the crazies. Therefore, I live and let live. And avoid contact with the crazies. And try to get on with life. Pretending. Pretending. Imagining. Imagining. That all is well. Or at least it is. In my nifty little cocoon. --Jim Broede

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