Monday, March 9, 2015

Finding my way out of angst.

I'm discarding the word anxiety. And replacing it. With angst. I can't find angst in my English dictionary. Seems that the word was introduced into English from the Danish, Norwegian and Dutch and German word angst. Used in the works of Kierkegaard and Freud. And used in English to describe an intense feeling of apprehension, anxiety and inner turmoil. I've read much of Kierkegaard. And he helps me feel what I am feeling. When he talks about angst. It has a much deeper meaning than the word anxiety. Kierkegaard used angst to describe a profound and deep-seated condition. He said animals are guided solely by instinct. But that humans enjoy a freedom of choice that we find both appealing and terrifying. I'm trying to find my way out of angst by focusing on the appealing. Rather than on the terrifying. --Jim Broede

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