Friday, May 1, 2015

Merely a confounded human.

I'd like to be a life-saver. Of certain dear friends. Bent on self-destruction. One in particular. Who drinks too much. Actually, for her. Even smelling a bar rag is one sniff too many. Booze, in her case wine, is a potential killer. And the  ruination of her life. She should know better. But like many addicts, can't find a way to stop. She refuses to pull herself up by the bootstraps. Which I have long advocated.  Of course that takes guts. Gumption. A fervent desire to get better. Instead, she's a weakling. A procrastinator. A coward. Yes, I tell her the brutal truth. To the point of maybe severing our friendship. But that's the way I am. I take risks. In an effort to save what could be a wonderful and glorious life. Unfortunately, I'm not god. I'm merely a confounded human. Without the ability to perform life-saving miracles. --Jim Broede

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