Thursday, July 2, 2015

In the grand scheme of life.

Fantastic. Just being alive. And aware. That I exist. At this very moment. Yes, it's fantastic. But even more fantastic. I may be a form of lower life. Most likely. There's far more intelligent and perceptive life existing now.  All around me. But I'm unable to perceive it. Because I'm relatively stupid. And ill-equipped physically and mentally to grasp life in a fourth, fifth or sixth dimension. But I still find solace. In my beloved pet cat Loverboy. Because I'm smarter than him. I can outfox him. Because he's a mere cat. He can't even look in a mirror. And tell me that reflection is really him. He's not smart enough to know. That he's a fantastic form of life.  At least, I know. I'm fantastic. And a low-life, too. In the grand scheme of life. --Jim Broede

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