Thursday, July 2, 2015

The predominant American way.

Funny thing about being 'retired.' I'm more active and rambunctious than before so-called retirement. I used to write for newspapers. Now I'm writing more. But it isn't work anymore. Now I write strictly for pleasure.  Writing what I want to write. Without nudging from a boss or an editor. I used to write for money. To make a living. Now I have social security and a pension. And that pretty much gets me by. Of course, I could still work. If I wanted to. As an employed writer. But why do that? When I don't need to. I have friends and acquaintances. With a primary goal/mission to make money.  They never have enough. They seek more and more and more. A few of them are having a good time. Making money. That's their source of pleasure and fulfillment.  But some of 'em are working themselves to physical and mental exhaustion. Maybe to death. When they don't have to. Because they already have more than enough money. To live comfortably. For the rest of their lives. But still, they crave for more money and material stuff. That's their religion. They worship money. Makes me wonder. If that has become the predominant American way. --Jim Broede

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