Saturday, July 4, 2015

The good vibes difference.

I'd rather not be an Alzheimer care-giver. But that didn't stop me from learning to enjoy such a pastime. Making the most and best of it. When the patient was my dear sweet wife Jeanne. I confess, however,  that things didn't go well at the start. Especially during my tenure as a 24/7 care-giver. No surprise. After all, I wasn't taking care of myself. I became mentally and emotionally and physically exhausted. Causing me to exude bad vibes. Daily. With negative effects on Jeanne. But when Jeanne was placed in a nursing home for the last 38 months of her life,  I became a remarkably proficient care-giver. The provider of dazzling one-on-one supplemental care for Jeanne. There I was. With Jeanne. For eight to 10 hours every day. Allowing me to go home every night. For vital respite. So that I was mentally and physically ready to tackle the next day of care-giving. With emphasis on good vibes therapy. Yes, I finally learned to enjoy and savor my role as care-giver. Jeanne understood. She sensed it. And responded positively. The good vibes made the difference.  --Jim Broede

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