Monday, September 21, 2015

If Julie ever sobers up.

I'm going to pretend. That my troubled friend Julie won't show at her father's upcoming memorial service. And will get applause. When someone announces that she's in rehab. To deal with her alcoholism. Yes, this is wishful thinking. Not really happening. Fabrication.  On my part. Which I'm allowed to do. As a writer. Of fiction. I assume the role of god. And create my own world. Where things always end happily. Because I call the shots. I design the scenario. And I ignore the real beleaguered Julie in the process.  I pretend that she's the vibrant and healthy Julie again.  Capable of joining me and my Italian true love. In the very real world. This Christmas-New Year holiday season. When we'll be in Greece. On an island. In the Adriatic Sea.  I've invited Julie and husband Rick to join us. That is, if Julie ever sobers up. Long enough to be able to truly savor life again and again.--Jim Broede

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