Sunday, September 20, 2015

One of my best times ever.

When traveling with my Italian amore, my focus is mostly on her. Rather than other things. Travel gives me the opportunity to cultivate our relationship. To get to know her better. By taking advantage of our togetherness. In unusual settings. And often under unusual circumstances. That often come with travel. In unexpected blessed ways. From my perspective, at least. By taking advantage of moments of potential emotional crisis. When things don't go right. Forcing us to improvise. In order to salvage difficult situations. No better example, than when we ended up in the German town of Fredrickshafen. Unexpectedly. Because we missed a flight from Iceland. To Frankfurt. To attend a birthday party for my German cousin. We got our flight departure date from Iceland mixed up. And missed our scheduled flight. Therefore, we had to improvise. And write off our missed flight as a financial and emotional disaster. We had to learn how to put up with unplanned inconvenience. I had no difficulty adjusting. Because I kept telling myself, I'm with my true love. And some how, we'd make the best of it. Together. I certainly did. Cristina had a little more difficulty. But that meant I had to find ways to console Cristina. By taking charge. And finding a solution. Though it meant navigating a labyrinth to places we never intended to go. But now I fondly reminisce about it all. With revered romantic memories. As if it was a blessing. Really, that's what it was. One of my best times ever. With dear Cristina. --Jim Broede

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