Saturday, September 5, 2015

On becoming a healthy mermaid.

I encourage my friend Julie to think more like me. As a romantic idealist. In order to climb out of the doldrums. And onto the plateau of happiness. It's real easy, I tell her. By looking at life from a romantic perspective. By refusing to be unhappy. By insisting on being happy.  Every time that I feel unhappy. I refuse to go to bed. Until I find a reason to be happy. 'Nobody thinks like that,' Julie replies. My immediate response:  'I certainly do. And you know it. Because I have a compulsion to be happy. I'm addicted to happiness. Unfortunately, you are addicted to unhappiness. And to red wine.' I remind Julie that she was once addicted to exercise. Mainly swimming.  She once upon a time was able to swim across Forest Lake. Virtually every day. And that's a mile and a half swim. She could assume the role of mermaid again. If she set her mind to it. And more than that. She could become a happy human being. Yes, by setting her mind to being a true blue romantic idealist. --Jim Broede

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