Friday, November 6, 2015

A way to save Julie.

After years and years as a care-giver. For her Alzheimer-riddled parents. Dear friend Julie. Has an amazing opportunity. To become a better human being. For the experience. Instead, Julie has become a mental and emotional and physical wreck. Fighting a losing battle against depression and alcoholism. Sad. Because. Unlike Alzheimer’s. There are effective treatments. For Julie’s maladies. Often leading to recovery. But Julie steadfastly refuses to go in for treatment.  To volunteer for readily available help. Indeed, an ironic situation. Julie instinctively and devotedly knew how to help others in peril. But not herself. Now she’s drained. Out of emotional stamina. Out of the wherewithal that it takes.  To put her life back together again. Of course. I argue daily.  That we sideline observers. Husband Rick. And multiple dear friends. Could intervene. And force Julie into treatment. But we don’t. Because of an odd mistaken notion. That the impetus must come entirely from Julie. Yes, it’s un-American to force Julie into treatment. Takes away her freedom. To do as she pleases. Personally, I’m sick and tired of the asinine American way. Give me a break. Give me common sense. A way to save Julie. From herself. -- Jim

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